The Chef and his Blog

06 February 2011

Potato Soup, Nombre Dos

In preparation for my Super Bowl grilling, I figured I should post the soup I made two weeks ago. That way it isn't confused with my burgers.

So I have made this soup before, as those who have seen my facebook cooking album will know. But I loved it so much and hadn't had a blog post about it, so I figured I would make it again. So here is the recipe:

  • 1 pound of potatoes - red-skinned potatoes are my absolute favorite cooking potatoes, but any small ones will do
  • 4-5 slices of bacon, chopped
  • 1 onion - while white is the "teariest," i like the flavor and the size
  • 1/4 cup flour - I use organic because I'm an elitist
  • 1 3/4 cup water
  • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth
  • 1/4 cup white wine - Chardonnay because it is useful only for cooking
  • 8 ounces of sharp cheddar, grated
  • 2 tablespoons chives - dried in my case
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp basil
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • sea salt to taste

So here is the obligatory shot of all the ingredients. This time around I actually had a vegetable peeler instead of a knife, so peeling the potatoes was not too bad. You cook the bacon in your soup pot while you peel and chop the potatoes and onion into 1/4" cubes. Then remove the bacon, but leave the grease and add the onion. While you soften the onion in the grease over medium heat, mix flour, water and broth in a bowl.

After the onions have become tender, add the flour mixture and potatoes to the pot and slightly increase temperature so that it ever so slightly boils.

Once it has started to bubble, add all the spices but the salt and let simmer for about 5 minutes. Then add wine and simmer for about 5 minutes longer.

This is just a shot of bacon because it is the greatest ingredient to any dish. As the soup boils with the wine, throw this wondrous meat in.

Once the potatoes are nice and tender, lower heat to low and slowly stir in the grated cheese. Don't let it boil again or the cheese turns really nasty. Just so you know. I've never tried it, but I've heard.

Once the soup has melted the cheese, ladle out and enjoy. It was equally good the second time, despite my wife swearing a piece of cracked black pepper was a bug. Silly wife. She should know she'll never SEE the bugs I feed her. I'm too good.

So that's it for this post. I will probably post my Super Bowl cooking on Monday. Go Packers, I guess? Just don't let the Steelers win.